Salman Khan’s Bandra Galaxy Apartments saw a rather solemn meeting on Saturday. Just weeks after the raucous celebrations of Tubelight’s release, the distributors had queued up asking for compensation.
It has been well established that Tubelight is Salman’s first failure in many years and we had broken the news to you that the distributors led by Narendra Hirawat (who had reportedly bought the film for Rs 130 crore) had gathered to meet Salman yesterday.
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Salman Khan's Tubelight was touted to be one of the biggest hits of 2017 but turned out to be a damp squib at the ticket windows.
This is what exactly transpired.
After the distributors were ushered into Salman’s home, they were joined by Aman Gill (Business Consultant, Salman Khan Films) and Amar Butala (Chief Operating Officer, Salman Khan Films).
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Soon after, Salim Khan walked in and once pleasantries had been exchanged and a round of tea was served, he got to the point.
Salim Khan told the distributors: “I know mere bete ki picture se aapko bahut loss hua hai. My COO will look into the matter and we will do the needful.”
Interestingly, Salman was not present at the meeting but it is not rocket science that the trio had consulted him before addressing the visitors.
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Thankfully, the distributors looked by and large happy when they walked out--- even though Salim Khan hadn't specified the amount of compensation they would render.
The ball is now in Amar Butala's court. But it is clear that the Khan-daan has agreed to pay up a decent percentage of the losses incurred by Tubelight distributors.
Image Source: youtube/CDS India & twitter/BeingSalmanKhan