Mukesh Ambani Becomes The 6th Richest Person In The World; Meme Factor Is Having A Field Day
Mukesh Ambani overtakes Elon Musk to become the sixth-richest man in the world. But memers are worried about Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg now.

Jeff Bezos watching Mukesh Ambani overtaking a billionaire every week.#MukeshAmbani
— pjd (@PurvrajDodiya) July 14, 2020
Mukesh Ambani ... the most happiest person on Earth and probably the only person for whom 2020 is the best year!! #MukeshAmbani grabbed 6th spot in just 2 weeks!!
— Mohika (@mohika24) July 14, 2020
Now I know how... 😜😂
After hearing that #MukeshAmbani has become the 6th richest person:
— Harshit Sharma (@Sharmajikaputtr) July 14, 2020
Reporter : you became the sixth richest man in the World.#MukeshAmbani :
— Gujrati Chhokro (@pubgkadeewana) July 14, 2020
#mukeshambani becomes 6th richest person in world in two weeks.
— KitKat (@_priyanshiiii__) July 14, 2020
Mukesh Ambani be like:
*After Watching #MukeshAmbani is on trend*
— ↪Mr_HoT_wiRê↩ (@Sarcastic_cvam) July 14, 2020
Bill Gates right now:--
#MukeshAmbani whatever Hits 1 St Rank
— BlueBerry💙 (@lollllypopcandy) July 14, 2020
Bcz #MukeshAmbani to list :
Jeff bezos after #MukeshAmbani become 6th richest person.
— MEMES ☈ (@gujjuhumour) July 14, 2020
It seems like Mukesh Ambani is alone Strengthening the economy of Our INDIA ...Now overtakes Larry page to become 6th richest person of the world... #MukeshAmbani wud be like
— Bella Ciao (Chai) (@punjabiii_munda) July 14, 2020