Former US President Barack Obama’s Daughter Malia Obama Calls It Quits With Beau Rory Farquharson? Truth Revealed

News of former U.S. President Barack Obama’s elder daughter Malia Obama engagement with Rory Farquharson has remained in news for some time now. However, the news of two parting ways got out but we bring the actual truth to the table

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Former US President Barack Obama’s Daughter Malia Obama Calls It Quits With Beau Rory Farquharson? Truth Revealed
The easiest way to deny a story is to conveniently change the perspective towards it. A while back Globe magazine had reported that the former U.S. President Barack Obama’s elder daughter Malia Obama is engaged to boyfriend Rory Farquharson. As per sources of this publication, Malia had informed her friends about their hush-hush engagement but being scared to sport a ring in public. Now changing the angle after finding no truth to it, the publication mentioned of the two calling it a quits. Huh!

Thus, busting the bubble and getting the truth to the table Gossipcop, dug deep into these news pieces floating on the internet, and guess what they have got the real news. After their research, it is cleared that the couple was never engaged in the first place and nor is breaking up. In the reports published by Globe Magazine, the report mentioned Mr and Mrs Obama being fond of Rory and have met him too. Hence, arose a question of why would Malia hide her engagement then.

Further adding fuel to the fire was yet another unreliable news piece in a tabloid, which claimed of capturing Rory with another lady post his break up Malia. Thus, leaving Malia heartbroken as Rory couldn’t be the man of her dreams.

Sources of this tabloid had also mentioned of Barack Obama heaving a sigh of relief after Malia's breakup with Rory. A source informed, “Barack is relieved the guy is gone. He never liked Rory and told Michelle he was a bad influence.”

However, there is no truth to any of it and the relationship status of Malia Obama remains under wraps.

Image Source: Instagram/hotgemtea