Avatar 2 First REVIEW OUT: Critics Cannot Stop Admiring THIS Visual Masterpiece! ‘Avatar The Way Of Water Is Bigger, Better And More Emotional’
Avatar 2 is receiving positive early reviews and it is already being hailed as ‘phenomenal’ and ‘visually breathtaking’
AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER: Yeah never bet against James Cameron. Trying to spare hyperbole, but I’ve never seen anything like this from a technical, visual standpoint. It’s overwhelming. Maybe too overwhelming. Sometimes I’d miss plot points because I’m staring at a Pandora fish
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) December 6, 2022
This is James Cameron leaning right into that Cameron playbook. There are Titanic vibes, True Lies vibes, Abyss vibes, Terminator 2 vibes - it is Cameron in top form, matching tremendous visuals w/ a VERY entertaining & emotional story that leaves you wanting more. LOVED! pic.twitter.com/Dz1FL6a2It
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) December 6, 2022
James Cameron once again shows filmmakers how it’s done. I’ve said it a thousand times. Never doubt him. AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER is how you do epic blockbuster-ing. Emotional, visceral, and as big as movies get. @officialavatar
— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) December 6, 2022
#AvatarTheWayOfWater is pretty incredible. I had faith James Cameron would raise the bar w/ the effects but these visuals are mind-blowing. One stunning frame after the next. But the thing I dug most is how the technical feats always feel in service of character & world-building. pic.twitter.com/MXeN3z8BnP
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) December 6, 2022
As for the story, it's A LOT of movie & I'm eager for a 2nd viewing to revisit some details, but on 1st watch, it's a mighty effective exploration of community & family dynamics. Returning cast is great, but the newcomers are major standouts, particularly Britain Dalton as Lo'ak. pic.twitter.com/OtZXNr6zMw
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) December 6, 2022
And yes, this did make me want to see more #Avatar movies. I would also like a whole lot more of Cliff Curtis' Tonowari in those movies, please. pic.twitter.com/91xqFtGzNw
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) December 6, 2022
Have now seen #Avatar twice and am overwhelmed by both its technical mastery and unexpectedly intimate emotional scope. Yes the world is expanded and sequels teased but the characters are most important. Cameron is in top form, especially in final act. Good to have him back. 🐟 pic.twitter.com/PR9drN5Zph
— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) December 6, 2022