Shveta Salve Shares Screenshots Of A 16-Year-Old Boy Passing Vulgar Comments On Her Insta And Initiates #IgnoreNoMore; Hina Khan Joins
Shveta Salve shares lewd comments posted by trolls on her workout video. Actress initiates #IgnoreNoMore along with Hina Khan Aashka Goradia, Megha Gupta and others

Actress Aashka Goradia with husband Brent Goble have been practicing yoga and inspiring many of us to lead fitter healthier lives. However, unfortunately recently Aashka in some of her Insta lives and videos was receiving vulgar comments to which her colleagues from the industry including the likes of Shveta Salve, Narayani Shastri, Meghana Naidu, etc have stepped in and initiated #IgnoreNoMore. The TV actresses have been hitting back to the trollers’ lewd remarks using the hashtag.
Taking to Instagram, these TV actresses have posted numerous screengrabs of cheap comments they receive. Sharing the screenshots Shveta wrote, “I am done ignoring, blocking, turning my comments off. Why why do we have to do this? There’s not a single woman I know who hasn’t been sexually molested or abused in her life and now we can’t be ourselves, doing our thing (like even yoga) for God’s sakes without the fear of being a sexual target!! It’s 2020… when will the men be held accountable for their actions? When will the women feel secured enough to take action? I encourage you to stand up and do something than waiting for someone to do it! #ignorenomore”
Shveta's comments are bang on as one of the boys even came back apologizing! It's good to see women standing up for each other in our industry and indeed #WomenPullEachotherUp. On the other hand, Aaskha has been backing up these ladies and says #IgnoreNoMore.

Shveta SalveI Insta Story
Hina Khan, too, shared her two cents on it:

Shveta Salve often makes it to the headlines for multiple reasons. Recently, she grabbed headlines for posting a romantic picture with her husband for which they received hate comments and was also slut-shamed. (ALSO READ: Shveta Salve's Raunchy Kiss With Hubby Offends Fans; Actress Says, 'They Have The Option To Unfollow Me')
Images Source: instagram/aashkagoradia/shveshve