Shilpa Shetty, Geeta Kapoor, Anurag Basu- Children In Danger; Should Sony And You Continue With Super Dancer?
SPEAK UP FOR CHILDREN'S SAFETY SAKE! ACT NOW!! Shilpa Shetty, Geeta Kapoor, Anurag Basu- am I wrong in what I am saying about Sony and your Super Dancer?

Well, Shilpa Shetty, Geeta Kapoor and Anurag Basu finally expressed their concern, albeit not very strongly (in an episode in early February) over the unwanted deadly stunts being done by kids in Super Dancer. But after that, it has been 'Life as usual in Super Dancer', The time has now come to ACT. Innocent kids are in danger since last 3 years and the risk is shooting up by the week. By the way, this is my 3rd piece of serious concern regarding the same
Children are innocent and they get a high over the fact that they are on national television. First, I want to meet their parents whose eyes get moist in happiness when their child is thrown up in the air and caught by the choreographer. I want to understand these parents whose smiles widen when their child does a Tiger Shroff on stage. Is Sony ready to arrange my meeting with them?
Stunts which will make any right-thinking individual's heart stop--- and at what cost? Just a trophy and little money? Clearly, these parents are either too ambitious or immensely greedy, and need to undergo some counselling. Meanwhile, Sony is drowned in happiness over the sponsors (I would term them as irresponsible) who they have on board for this extremely dangerous show. So yeah, is my meeting with such parents and an interview with a Sony official possible?

A Still From Super Dancer 3

A Still From Super Dancer 3
Statutory Warnings are run on TV when commercials involving impossible heroism carried out by our Bollywood heroes are aired, So why not anything of that sort here? But frankly, that would be brushing the danger under the carpet. Super Dancer needs not a Statutory Warning, but a closure until and unless the precarious and perilous stunts are stopped.
The right people to stand up against this show would be the judges- Shilpa, Geeta and Anurag, It is never too late to admit to mistakes and save the situation.I would like to see Shilpa with Geeta and Anurag coming down from Shilpa's favourite ladder in the show.
Image Source: Hotindiareport, SonyLiv