Game Of Thrones Season 8, Episode 2 Review: “Things We Do For Love,” Indeed!

The second episode of Game Of Thrones Season 8 sets the momentum before the big war. A lot of character interactions, a few revelations with emotional punches. Here’s our review for the 2nd episode- A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms

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Game Of Thrones Season 8, Episode 2 Review: “Things We Do For Love,” Indeed!
Although the episode 2 of Game Of Thrones Season 8, hit the web space, 7 hours before its scheduled time, but did it kill the buzz? Hell, No! I wouldn’t call the episode WOW but it surely doesn’t look fragmented. In fact, at many points you would feel, such an episode was required for what’s in store ahead.

It’s more or less an extension to the premiere episode, where we saw many reunions and refreshment of memory.  This one’s about a lot of interaction between various characters, as they brace themselves for what’s probably the last night of their life.

A Still From Game Of Thrones

What I missed in the episode was that it didn’t have the high-points visually or factually, like most of the GoT episodes do have, but then, come to think of it, when the episode ended, it left the right impact as it set the momentum right before the big war between the dead and living.

The theme of the episode comes from the first scene, when Bran Stark, the three-eyed raven, quips the sentence, “Things we do for love” as Jammie is trying to convince Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark and Jon Snow of his loyalty and his intent to join them in the fight against the dead (reference to Jammie’s line “Things I do for love" in the first episode of Season 1, when he throws Bran off the castle, as the boy sees him with Cersie in a compromising position).

A Still From Game Of Thrones

The entire episode then unwraps into some more reunions like Theon Greyjoy with Sansa, Jammie and Tyrion, Jammie with Lady Brienne, not to forget Arya Stark losing her virginity to friend, Gendry (Robert Baratheon’s bastard). This flow of emotions sets the pace, so that by the end of the episode, you’re probably guessing which character is dying next- the ones who had a high-level emotional exchange with their loved ones, or someone who you just won’t imagine bidding goodbye so soon.

Here are some of my favourite moments from the episode (Those who haven’t watched the episode yet, may stop reading here).

Daenerys Knows!

A Still From Game Of Thrones

Jon Snow, after avoiding Danny in the entire episode, finally confronts her towards the end of it, and reveals to her his true lineage. The Mother Of Dragon doesn’t believe in Jon’s truth at once but says the ultimate reality that Aegon Targaryen is the rightful heir to the throne, which is when the siren of the Army of dead marching towards Wintefell blows and the lovers, who are actually aunt-nephew by blood, save the conversation for some time later.

Bran Spills The Beans:

A Still From Game Of Thrones

So, we finally know why the Night King is behind Bran Stark- the three-eyed raven. Bran discloses that Night King wants the end of humanity, which means destroying every memory ever made. Bran as we know has memory of all (world) and that’s why the Night King wants him dead. This revelation is made as Bran offers to act like bait for the Night King, as his army is huge to fight- killing him would mean deranging them all in one go.

Jammie Confronts His Guilt:

A Still From Game Of Thrones

Remember Season 1, when every time Bran woke up we thought he would out the secret that Jammie Lannister threw him off the cliff as Bran had seen him with his twin sister, Cersie in a compromising position. It’s Season 8, Episode 2, when Bran DOESN’T tell anyone but Jammie at the Godswood that he remembers. But easily forgives him, because the cause of coming together is far bigger. Do pay attention on Bran’s closing remark, “what if there is no afterwards.”

The Song In The War Room:

A Still From Game Of Thrones

The get-together in the war room at Winterfell of Jammie Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Lady Brienne Of Tarth, Ser Davos Seaworth, Podrick and Tormund Giantsbane perfectly expresses the fears, anxiety and the emotional turmoil, each character is going through before the war. It beautifully ends with Pod singing the Jenny’s of Oldstones song. The highlight of this scene was indeed Jammie announcing Lady Brienne Of Tarth as a Knight, something she has been always wishing for since her character was introduced.

Did you see Ghost?

A Still From Game Of Thrones

Jon Snow’s dire wolf, Ghost, makes a comeback in the episode. We can see him in one of the scenes when Sam and Snow are having a chat standing by the wall of the castle.

Overall, Episode 2 maybe not be at par with the opening one, but is a fair mix of human emotions, bonding, goodbyes and revelations- especially when humanity is about to die soon!

Image Source:Hotstar