Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2: Ram-Priya’s Seperation Leaves Fans Heartbroken; Write, ‘His Heart Belongs To Her And She Lives In His Soul’- Tweets Inside
The recent episode of Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2 saw Ram suffer from partial memory loss after he and Priya got into a car accident

Mujhe bimar kaun karega! He says it with a smile!💔😭
— S.A.S (@sas_overthinks) November 10, 2022
But, he has no memories of what he has been through! The person sitting next to him is one of them!
How tragic is this?!💔
So much heartbreak yet to come for Ram!💔
Life is so unfair with him!💔😭😭#BadeAchheLagteHain2
No matter how much I watch the episodes, I always find myself going back to this scene full of love and passion and their embrace at the end of the scene always warms my heart.... ❤❤️🔥
— roxana (@bangel09427617) November 10, 2022
raya love the most beautiful love story i've ever seen #badeachhelagtehain2
Can you really believe that this man will forget Priya and he can't accept the idea of her being away from him
— roxana (@bangel09427617) November 10, 2022
his heart belongs to her and she lives in his soul Mr. Kapoor I have never seen anyone love like you in my life... ❤🔥🥺#badeachhelagtehain2
The amt love Pri has in Ram's love for her.
— PariPri🧚 (@BechareRajaBabu) November 10, 2022
The amt of trust she has in his core..
Even Ram would not have that in himself!
Ram was right,Pri would love him much more than he would,
10000000 much more.🥹@disha11parmar
U were phenomenal👏
Aur kya hi bolun.#BadeAchheLagteHain2
“How Dare You Priya” #BadeAchheLagteHain2
— drunkwithoutadrop (@samosaforlife) November 10, 2022
#Raya #BadeAchheLagteHain2 #BALH2 #RayaKaSafar Episode 41
— Raya (@Raya1728) November 11, 2022