New Parents Rohit & Jaanvi Dhawan Take Thier Newborn Angel Home

Rohit Dhawan and wife Jaanvi became proud parents to a baby girl on May 31. The couple welcomed the angel a while ago to their humble abode. Here are some pics of them leaving from the hospital...

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  • 1/7

    Rohit Dhawan drags the suitcases and bags to their car

  • 2/7

    Rohit Dhawan puts their luggage in the car

  • 3/7

    Rohit Dhawan enters the hospital again to fetch some more stuff

  • 4/7

    Rohit Dhawan escorts his wife Jaanvi Desai out of the hospital

  • 5/7

    Holding the little princess in her arms, Jaanvi Desai enters the car with a broad smile on her face

  • 6/7

    Rohit Dhawan waves out to the media as he is about the enter the car to leave the hospital premises

  • 7/7

    As the car leaves the hospital, Jaanvi Desai hold the little girl in her arms and protects her eyes from the prying flashes of the photogs

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