Guess Why Is Lalit Prabhakar With Madhavi Nimbkar And Samidha Guru At Chala Yeu Dya?
What were Lalit Prabhakar, Madhavi Nimkar and Samidha Guru doing Chala Hawa Yeu Dya?

This week’s episode of Chala Hawa Yeu Dya was a Zee Gaurav Award’s nomination special episode. And all the nominees for different categories of Zee Gaurav awards were present at Chala Hawa Yeu Dya. Among them were Lalit Prabhakar, Samidha Guru, and Madhavi Nimkar.
Actor Lalit Prabhakar is nominated as the best actor for his hit film Anandi Gopal. The movie has many nominations for this year’s Zee Gaurav awards. Actress Samidha Guru was there for her drama Thoda Tuz Thoda Maz, which has nominations for the most eye-catching play and for best light management by Zee Natya Gaurav awards. Actress Madhavi Nimkar is nominated as best supporting actress for her role in her play Maharathi.
Along with these many celebrities were present who are nominated for Zee Gaurav Awards like Sonalee Kulkarni, Prasad Oak, and others. And these celebrities were awarded the Zee Gaurav Award from Thukratwadi. This episode is full of fun and laughter and everyone should watch it.
Samidha has shared photos from Chala Hawa Yeu Dya with every celebrity who was present there. The actors had awesome fun during this episode by laughing their worries off watching the CHYD team perform skits. They also had off-screen fun on the set which is evident here, in this picture.
Image Source:- Instagram/samidhaofficial