Want To Get A Hot Bod Like Jennifer Aniston? Follow These 5 Things The FRIENDS Star Does To Get A Toned Body During Coronavirus Lockdown
The country has been under lockdown but not your fitness schedule, hence we bring you 5 simple steps in order to get a sculpted figure like Jennifer Aniston. Do it the Jen way or the high way!

With Coronavirus making it difficult for the human race to live their normal lives, almost every single human being has locked themselves in their homes. Everything has come to a dead stop after the government officials have announced a lockdown in the country, thus, making it difficult for the people to lead a normal life. Even though people have still found ways to do something productive during self-isolation, there are many fitness freaks whose world has come to a halt. Anyway, fret not! Don’t stop yourself from getting fit as we have got you covered.
Here we bring you 5 simple ways to get a sculpted figure like Jennifer Aniston. Have you seen Just Go With It or We’re The Millers, the actress has a killer body at 51 and if you crave for the same, these simple steps will do magic. Overall, eat, sleep, work, workout and repeat. Can you focus on this mantra during this lockdown period? Her trainer Azubuike spoke with Women's Health Magazine and gave treat insight into her regime.
First Warm-Up Before Turning Up The Radio…Oh We Mean Cardio
"It’s very important that you get your mobility work in, and [work on] your range of motion before you start to go hard. That’s where a lot of people get it mistaken because they feel like if they’re sweaty, and their skin is warm, that they’re actually warmed up," Azubuike says. So before Jen starts working on her upper-body, she first stretches out for 15 minutes by doing some yoga-based moves that include Cat-Cow, Bird Dog, Downward-Facing Dog, Butt Kicks, Jumping Jacks and Jump Rope.
Jen Does A Push And Pull Like A Magnet Do Exercise
“…Although my heart is falling too, I'm in love with your body” Moving on, Jennifer’s next move is to get into the boxing ring. LoL, not literally, we mean. According to her trainer, Azubuike says they like to focus on a lot of push and pull with Jennifer. He says, "Boxing is a very front-dominant sport, so you want to pull it back." Well, this means that after doing a plank sequence for good 2-minute, she then digs doing renegade rows which comes in the ‘pull’ phase of her workout.
One Move At A Time
Never do all the moves at one go that will not make your muscles burn enough as it is required. Hence, do it like Jen. The We Are The Millers actress does a bunch of similar arm moves like triceps dips and triceps extensions but Azubuike takes it with two separate sets so that she doesn't tire out before she can get into reps.
Time To Make The Mid-Riff ‘Abs’olutely Fierce
Initially, Jen takes her workout regime a bit slow like she will start with biceps and triceps but later jumps into core-focused moves and that is doing planks. Not just that, but also sorts of planks which include —forearm plank, low plank, high plank, side plank. Her trainer says, "That's one of those exercises that has all the abdominal regions firing together."
Take The Game A Level Higher And Challenge Yourself
Jennifer is not someone to take up easy jobs, she needs conflicts and challenges in order to up her game. And if you’re that kind of person, then perfect, raise your difficulty level a notch higher. Also, if you’re not that person, then we guess, the article ends for you at point no. 4.
Image source: Instagram/ jenniferaniston