Coronavirus Outbreak: 5 Food Items You Need To Include In Your Diet Right Away To Boost Immunity
Let’s fight Coronavirus, the right away! Boost your immunity and body's ability to put up a brave fight against the deadly COVID 19 by eating these 5 foods.

Coronavirus is spreading and rapidly growing while leaving everyone in dismay. The virus that was originated from China is now affecting many countries including India and just recently the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic with more than 118,000 confirmed cases and 4,291 deaths in 114 countries. According to the reports in Economic Times, India’s count of infected people is 62 with no confirmed deaths so far from the disease. As the Coronavirus is taking the world over and when everyone is getting panic due to the outbreak of this deadly disease, we decided to let you know about 5 food items that will boost your immunity so that you stay healthy.
Whenever we see anyone sneezing or coughing around, we really tend to think about the virus. However, precaution is better than cure and on that note, let’s be a little more cautions by following these simply measure, the virus spreads due to close contact with the person, hence, maintain distance from the people who you think they might be affected, always cover your face while sneezing and coughing, do not touch your face so often and keep washing your hands or use sanitizers in order to safe.
With all this, let’s fight the virus from inside as well and hence, include this simple food item in your daily diet in order to fight with the virus and to boost your immunity. Let’s begin.
We have been using this ingredient from the ancient days and this is considered to be one of the most effective medicines and pure herbal. Curcumin is an ingredient present in turmeric which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. This help control inflammation which in turn, boosts immunity and helps fight bacteria leading to the viral infection. Try adding turmeric into your diet during the flu season to give your immune system a boost.

Image source: parenting. firstcry
This is a must ingredient in almost every food item. It is just impossible to have a food item without onion ka tadka in it. As Onions are rich in selenium, sulfur, zinc, and vitamin C and B, they are a great option for boosting your immunity. It decreases the risk of diseases and helps fight off infections.

Apart from gaining weight and for silky smooth hair, eggs are also very helpful in this category. They are highly nutritious and play a key role in improving the immune system. They are loaded with protein, good fats and vitamin A and E. Eggs are perfect cuisines for your breakfast, so try to include this in your diet chart.

Image source: medical news today
We can understand how people really not fond of spinach, but remember Popeye how he used to gain energy from this food item. Spinach is packed with beta carotene and antioxidants that may increase the infection-fighting ability of your immune system. Even though you don’t like consuming it, please try to include this leafy vegetable in order to fight with coronavirus.

Image source: goodhousekeeping
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), garlic contains antimicrobial properties that help build stronger immunity. However, there is not much evidence to prove that garlic has helped people suffering in the current outbreak. Plus, as we almost use onion and garlic in every dishes, guess, this won’t be a problem.

Image source: webmd
No matter what you don’t like in the list, make sure you do make your immune system healthy and strong in order to beat coronavirus rather than affecting you.
Image source: global news