When James Bond Daniel Craig Planted A Passionate Kiss On Rami Malek's Lips; Revealed He Likes To Kiss All Male Co-Stars
Daniel Craig, Mr Bond himself, admits after a passionate kiss with his male co-star Rami Malek that he liked to kiss all his male co-stars. Rami Malek’s response to the kiss is a classic of self-deprecatory humour. “Does this make me the latest Bond girl?”

The men in Hollywood are flaunting their metrosexuality far more smoothly than their counterparts in Indian cinema. While in Bollywood, we do hear of a heterosexual singer from the past who was in the habit of greeting his friends with a slurpy smack on the lips, Daniel Craig, Mr Bond himself, admitting after a passionate kiss with his male co-star Rami Malek that he liked to kiss all his male co-stars, is a revolutionary step forward for the nebulous culture of metrosexuality, burgeoning with babysteps all over the world.
Rami Malek’s response to the kiss is a classic of self-deprecatory humour. “Does this make me the latest Bond girl?” The banter was received in the right spirit by Craig’s fans across the world.
Now imagine if two top Bollywood actors smacked each other on the lips, and that to not for the camera. What would that amount to? The Nation wants to know!
For those who came in late, Daniel Craig is happily married to British actress Rachel Weisz. They have a daughter together.
One recalls the furore at the Indian censors over James Bond's multiple kisses with Monica Belluci in the last Bond film Spectre
Who would have thought that Daniel Craig kissing Monica Belluci meant so much to our champions of freedom? Think about it. Ms Belluci has kissed so many men in her time. But beaking with the Bond is another matter altogether. The Indian censor board just didn’t see the enormity of the situation. They thought a lengthy kiss was something that needed to be gotten out of the way. There’s so much else in Bond’s life that needs his attention.
Wonder what the Indian censor board thinks of Bond beaking with the baddie in No Time To Die.
No time to kiss?
Image Source: Instagram/Ramimalek/Wikipedia