Movie Review: The Angry Birds Movie is a mess
A film having popular characters like Red, Chuck and Bomb should leave the audience pleased as punch, right? Well, The Angry Birds Movie disappoints on that count. This one flatlines and doesn’t revive itself. The Angry Birds Movie is another addition to the list of games-to-films that didn’t work. There are several reasons behind this. The screenplay by Jon Vitti is one of the culprits. While the relationship between parents and children is the central part of the story, the screenplay abjectly fails to get that point across.

A film having popular characters like Red, Chuck and Bomb should leave the audience pleased as punch, right? Well, The Angry Birds Movie disappoints on that count. This one flatlines and doesn’t revive itself.

The Angry Birds Movie is another addition to the list of games-to-films that didn’t work. There are several reasons behind this.
The screenplay by Jon Vitti is one of the culprits. While the relationship between parents and children is the central part of the story, the screenplay abjectly fails to get that point across.
The unimaginative story by Mikael Hed, Mikko Pöllä and John Cohen does nothing to lift the movie. This core fault leaves the audience disinterested in the rest of the film.

Another aspect that leaves you wondering is that the filmmakers seem to have little idea about who the target market is. Think about it – how many people from their target market will understand the fifty shades of green Easter egg?
Another point to discuss is the dialogues. The writer just refuses to add any amount of humour in them. Apart from some chuckles here and there, you can’t expect much.

Rovio Animation is the production company for the film and yet, the final product is quite a disappointment. The game maker paid zero attention to getting the physics-heavy gameplay onto the big screen, which in turn leaves you breathless with confusion. Who better than them to understand that the driving force for people to play the games was the fun gameplay that had serious physics behind it?

After so many missteps, even a cast like Jason Sudeikis (Red), Blake Shelton (Earl) and Peter Dinklage (The Mighty Eagle) can’t save this from sinking.
The only positive point out of this entire exercise is the VFX – it’s stellar and equivalent, if not better than what we are seeing nowadays.

Image Source: Youtube/Sony Pictures Entertainment
At least, the kids will be able to see their favourite game characters on the big screen. The parents will be paying for a complete non-entertainer, though.
Thumbnail Image Source: trollhattan