Vikas Bahl’s Ex-Wife Defends Him, Lashes Out At Kangana Ranaut And Phantom Lady
Vikas Bahl has a new friend - His Wife Richa Dubey who has parted ways with him has joined him in the wake of the serious sexual charges levied against him. Also, read Kangana’s reply below

Mrs. Vikas Bahl has sprung up to stand by her estranged husband's side in his hour of crisis. The man who has so far found himself pretty alone in the sexual harassment allegations hurled at him by the Phantom lady and (it all began from HuffPost story) and then Kangana Ranaut going public about his indecent behaviour with her.Vikas Bahl’s estranged wife Richa Dubey has posted a strongly worded longish statement on her Twitter account few hours ago. We reproduce her text in verbatim:
“This is going beyond boundaries and tolerance level now.. This is not a #metoo but #meme.. I want to ask all the women.. If a man makes you uncomfortable.. Touches you inappropriately... Would you have a good friendship with that man?? Would you not cut ties with that man and make your interaction minimum with that person or you would still giggle, go out wining dinning with this person? Or because you want to work with that man, because he's good at his work... You are willing to bypass this Specially when you are strong, fearless gusty person... I don't understand this at all!
Vikas Bahl's Wife Richa Dubey
Here are the loop holes..
1. Nov 2015 at Madhu Masaba wedding... Kangana did a item number with Vikas...a special room for her was booked. Her entourage was there..make up, hair, costume, the works..why would you dance with a dirty man like this and take so much efforts to practice and plan the dance?? You could have done this easily with anyone else.
2. I read the several messages between you and Vikas which were extremely friendly till now. With this media opportunity everything changed??
3. Having an affair with a married or an unmarried man is a woman's prerogative. You would know that...
4. If she had a problem with an issue why did not she speak up then. They know each other so well. U could have easily told him on his face if you did not like this behaviour?? She is extremely successful and even if she wasnt why would she compromise on her values.
5. One of the articles I read she said she complained to Anurag.. Why would u complain to him.. Since when has he become the boss of Vikas?? Why the fierce and vocal fighter for equal rights kept quiet about Vikas if this was such a serious issue. You could have spoken to media or ten other very senior important people?? The loop holes are endless...its just pure slander!! Please stop the nuisance. It's so difficult for woman to come out and speak about the harassment and abuse we go through. Don't make it disrespectful and this media game defeats the entire purpose of truth coming out.
6. Who are you to call anymore... Trophy wives..they are hardworking career woman... That does not count is it?? So only u can balance career and look good is it?? Enough is enough... Stop using Vikas for own vendetta... It is not cool. The word can see thru it. People in the god's name now stop!!
7. Not interested in a media battle with you as that’s the thing you mastered and have full advantage of and use your power of being a celeb? You must be having all the time in the world to plot, plan, PR agency and the works.. I’m a working woman who has real commitments and I don’t have the time to battle and have a line of assistants to do things for me.. And I do not believe you at all and don’t care about what you have to say.
8. I want to to ask the media what authenticity does she have which Vikas doesn’t have? Whose side you are on? Only interested in printing gossip as it’s sells right? You have any idea how you destroy someone life by irresponsibly reporting anything... anyone as a celebrity status can say anything, is there a free pass for them? You don’t have the ability and intelligence to see what’s going on? How can you without even checking with the person involved just go ahead and print anything?
9. The whole thing is one big mess and a ugly plot in the name of Me Too! Disgusting! Even though I’m his ex wife.. I cannot bear to watch this dirty drama! Give the man a chance to prove himself.. let the truth come out before calling him disgraced and what not.. when he will be proved right? What description would you give him then
Kangana Ranaut promptly shot a reply, that reads:
"Another ex wife for her ex husband’s rescue, my only question is why do they leave their holier than thou husbands in the first place, stop this bull shit that we had a friendly divorce perfectly amicable and we are a family, you don’t wake up one fine morning and divorce a godly man, so please help us secure our work environment and make sure these men don’t spoil more lives.”
Image Source:- Zieview,dailyhunt,starsunfolded,simplylifeindia