Rishi YELLS At Female Fan Outside Restaurant, Ranbir INTERVENES To End The UGLY FRACAS

Here's the latest update from the world of Bollywood. We bet you wouldn't want to miss this. Read on for details... This is bad manners at its worst. Mr Rishi Kapoor, why you gotta be so rude?!

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Rishi YELLS At Female Fan Outside Restaurant, Ranbir INTERVENES To End The UGLY FRACAS

Rishi Kapoor is known to speak his mind (a little too brazenly at times). If the veteran actor doesn’t like something, he will say it to your face, regardless of what you think. Feelings be damned!

What happened last evening at a Michellin star restaurant in Bandra Kurla Complex, is testimony to the fact

rishi yells at a female fan outside a restaurant
Rishi Kapoor

Rishi Kapoor lost his cool – nothing new there! Fortunately for us, this time not on the media... but unfortunate for the young guest, who was at the receiving end of Rishi’s impudence.

Rishi reduced a female fan to tears, that too in front of her family.  Manners please, Mr Kapoor.

What was the poor girl’s fault, you ask? Well, all she wanted was a picture with the Kapoor and Sons actor. Sounds harmless to us.

Here’s exactly what happened - Rishi Kapoor along with his wife Neetu Kapoor, son Ranbir Kapoor and daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahani were dining at Yauatcha. Obviously, the restaurant was entertaining many other customers at the same time.

ranbir kapoor with dad rishi kapoor
Ranbir With Dad Rishi Kapoor

Rishi Kapoor’s fan or should we say a fan of his movies, was also dining with her family at the oriental restaurant.

When she spotted the Kapoor family across the table, she got excited to bits, and walked up to them to request for a selfie with each one of them.

While she managed to get a picture with Ranbir and Neetu at the table, she missed a picture with Rishi. As the Kapoors were exiting the restaurant, she rushed to request the senior actor for a picture.

This was Rishi Kapoor’s blunt reply – NO!

Rishi Kapoor Refuses A Female Fan To Click Pics With Him

The fan found it rude and she said it as such - “How Rude!”

Bas phir kya tha... all hell broke loose.

Rishi stopped in his tracks and gave her an earful. We hear son Ranbir had to come running to rescue the situation from blowing up. 

ranbir kapoor apologises to fan for dad rishi s rude behaviour
Ranbir Kapoor

Ranbir personally apologised to the female fan and requested his father, who was now seething in anger, to sit in the car.

A senior actor yelling at a young female fan --- completely uncalled for. Mr Kapoor, You were a charmer back in your days, and are great at your craft, even today. This is bad behaviour at its worst. Where are the manners?

Image Source: facebook/ranbirkapoor, instagram/rishionline/rishikappoorfc