Netizens Find Akshay Kumar's FAU-G Poster To Be A Copy Of Collision Of Innocence; Trolls Ask Where's 'Atmanirbharta'?
Akshay Kumar recently announced the launch of a game called FAU-G after PUB-G got banned in India. However, netizens drew similarity between FAU-G's poster and Collision of Innocence poster
A user wrote, "Poster is stolen from another game. Name is stolen from another game. Idea is stolen from another game. You are degrading the reputations of Indians worldwide. We can come up with original ideas . Copy cat." Another one wrote, "#FauG. Zero creativity, zero uniqueness, I'm sure it will just be a copy, selling on the shoulders of fake patriotism by association with Akshay Kumar and the timing, only after #PUBGMobile got banned, it all makes me feel like india is the new china - copying things #AtmaNirbhar".
Many questioned the 'Atmanirbharta' motive of Akshay Kumar. Check out a few tweets here.
Dear @akshaykumar Sir,
— Piiyush Sharma (@Piyushlogon) September 5, 2020
We love you so much for your support to our Indian Army. Thanks for your coming Soon game Fau-G.
But it hurts a lot when your team copy and paste some thing.. Please look into it #AkshayKumar #AkshayKumarfans #FAUG#AtmaNirbharBharat
#AkshayKumar At least design toh original banvate .. National pride ke chakkar mey bhi copy karna zaroori hai kya ? Films aur gaane #Hollywood se copy paste karte karte game bhi dhaap liya 🙄 people aren't that dumb as u think #collisionofinnocence #FAUG #GamingIsNotPolitical
— Lovable Monster (@FotographerAmol) September 5, 2020
Poster is stolen from another game
— Aakash Kumar (@_sky___07) September 5, 2020
Name is stolen from another game
Idea is stolen from another game
You are degrading the reputations of Indians worldwide. We can come up with original ideas . Copy cat
Boycott #FAUG @akshaykumar
— cherukurisurendra (@Surendra4106) September 5, 2020
Don't copy make it original @akshaykumar @FAUG_nCoreGames
At least make something original.
— Akshay Parlikar (@IamAgentAkki) September 4, 2020
copy paste wala AtmaNirbhar #FAUG #fraudG @akshaykumar @TheDeshBhakt @dhruv_rathee
Looks like you are truly inspired by Modiji in copying. AtmaNirbhar on copy paste. 🤣🤣🤣🤣#AkshayKumar #FAUG
— Sultan Bari (@sultank663) September 4, 2020
Kya Aatmnirbhar game banaooge,poster bhi copy kar ke rakha hai,What is this behavior akshay sahabh kya ye hai aapka discipline.#FAUG #BharatKeVeer @narendramodi
— Mohit Mavai (@MohitMavai3) September 4, 2020

Supporting PM @narendramodi’s AtmaNirbhar movement, proud to present an action game,Fearless And United-Guards FAU-G. Besides entertainment, players will also learn about the sacrifices of our soldiers. 20% of the net revenue generated will be donated to @BharatKeVeer Trust #FAUG
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) September 4, 2020
I visualized stiff challenges prior to #IntoTheWildWithBearGrylls but @bearGrylls completely surprised me with the elephant poop tea 💩 What a day 🐊😂 @DiscoveryIn @DiscoveryPlusIn
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) August 31, 2020