Hrithik's remarks on Pope slap him with another legal notice in Kangana Scandal
For those who have been wondering how Hrithik Roshan got away with his tweet--- There are more chances of me having an affair with d Pope dan any of d (I'm sure wonderful) women d media has been naming. Thanks but no thanks--- this one is for you.

Image Source: kyaboss

Image Source: play hd
Mr. Hritik Roshan
8, 9, 10 Floor of El Palazzo,
12th Road, JVPD Scheme
Mumbai – 400 049
Re: Your unwarranted and uncalled for comments (statements) made against the highly respected "Pope Francis" on twitter on the 28th of January 2016 by defiantly and disobediently stating on a public platform i.e. "Twitter" that“Ther r more chances of me having had an affair with d Pope dan any of d (Im sure wonderful) women d media hs ben naming. Thanks but no thanks,” thus deliberately and intentionally hurting the religious sentiments, feelings and beliefs of Christians (Roman Catholics) all over the world.
Our client Dr. Abraham Mathai who is a Christian by birth and faith and also the President of the Indian Christian Voice an organization that in many ways represents the larger interests of the Christian Community including the Roman Catholics, in India, is extremely hurt by your disobedient and inexcusable comments, which has hurt the religious feelings and sentiments of majority of Christians across the world, who have read your unwarranted and indefensible statement posted by you on twitter on the 28th of January 2016, against and in connection with highly respected "Pope Francis" who is the head of Roman Catholics across the world. Our client has accordingly placed in our hands the said matter in which regard we under unequivocal instructions from our client we would like to hereby record as under:
1. That you are fully aware of the fact that "Pope Francis" is the 266th and the current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, who is largely and popularly referred to as "Pope". That by virtue of being the head of Roman Catholic Church all Roman Catholics consider the Pope to be their spiritual head and follow his ordains in spirit, aim and intent.
2. That you are also fully aware of the fact that the Pope interalia has on various occasions condemned homosexuality and restated the Church's principle that homosexual practice is intrinsically immoral, whilst however stating that a homosexual person should nonetheless be treated with respect and love. The respected Pope has also largely opposed same-sex marriages.
3. That despite being aware of the above facts, and besides being no way concerned or connected with the highly respected "Pope Francis" whether with respect to the said subject matter dealing with homosexuality or even otherwise, you have yet through your statement so published on a public platform i.e. twitter on the 28th of January 2016 have malafidely, mischievously and intentionally insulted as well as defiantly ridiculed the Pope, by suggesting that the respected and chaste Pope who is the religious and spiritual head of Roman Catholics all over the world is "available to have an affair with you".
4. That by making such a statement on a public platform you have not only wilfully challenged the chastity of the respected Pope but have also shown him in poor light and have thus malafidely, mischievously and intentionally outraged the religious feelings, and insulted the religious beliefs of Romans Catholics all over the world, who consider the pope to be absolutely chaste as their spiritual and religious leader.
5. Be aware that by indulging in such a criminal act you have rendered yourself guilty and liable to be tried under the provisions of Section 295 A of the Indian Penal Code. The said Section has been reproduced herein below for your immediate reference and record.
6. Now before our client has no option and is advised to proceed ahead in the said matter by filing a criminal complaint against you, you are hereby given a last and final chance to tender a public apology, in the said matter "within 7 days from the date of receipt of this Notice by you", failing which do specifically note that our client has given us peremptory instructions to proceed ahead in the said matter and obtain the required government sanction as required under the provisions of Section 196 of Criminal Procedure Code 1973, and accordingly file a criminal complaint against you, entirely at your risk, costs and consequences, without any further correspondence or communication with you in this regard.
7. Hoping that wiser counsel shall prevail and you shall treat this Notice with the urgency it deserves.
Thumbnail Image Source: india & afashionistasdiary