Hrithik Roshan Begins To Open Up About Kangana Ranaut With Arnab Goswami
Visibly uncomfortable, Hrithik Roshan talks to Arnab Goswami, straight from the heart. The actor looks very vulnerable as he pours his heart on the chat show Nation Wants to Know. “I had to come to terms with my own vulnerability. I was afraid and I’m not going to be afraid anymore. I’m going to allow my mind and heart to say what it wants to say,” said the actor.

Hrithik Roshan is clearly
uncomfortable as he talks to Arnab Goswami, straight from the heart. Looking
extremely vulnerable, he pours his heart. The actor seems extremely dignified
as he faces the camera to talk about the controversy that has been haunting him
for the last two years.
Here are some clips from the much-awaited
— Aaron Pereira (@aaron_pereira94) October 7, 2017
— Aaron Pereira (@aaron_pereira94) October 7, 2017
— Aaron Pereira (@aaron_pereira94) October 7, 2017
“I have had enough. I have been pretending because I have to live up to this star thing. I got to look confident. I gotta be cool and okay and not give any attention to something that is important. After a while, I realised I was pretending. It was affecting me, my sense of community, my sense of wellbeing. I said, now I’m pretending, that’s not being a hero, that’s not strength, it’s fake,” says the actor.
Hrithik admits that there is no shame in being vulnerable. “People are afraid to be vulnerable. I had to come to terms with my own vulnerability. It’s ok. I was afraid and I’m not going to be afraid anymore. I’m going to allow my mind and heart to say what it wants to say,” says the actor.
Hrithik adds “Whatever I say, can and will be used against me.
I have to be honest that I’m very very uncomfortable right now. I’m not a
person who likes to confront, I’m not a confrontationist.” He goes on to add
that he has been afraid that his words would be misconstrued. If he comes
across as strong, people might term him aggressive. And if he might show some
emotion, people could think he’s weak.
— Aaron Pereira (@aaron_pereira94) October 7, 2017
— Aaron Pereira (@aaron_pereira94) October 7, 2017
Image Source: youtube/republicworld