Fans Call Ankita Lokhande, Sushant Singh Rajput’s 'One True Love' As She Lights A Candle To Join Peaceful Online Protest #CandlesForSSR
After reading Ankita Lokhande’s post for Sushant Singh Rajput, netizens can’t help but call their union ‘one true love.’ We came across many comments that sent prayers, love and strength to her.

Sushant Singh Rajput
May this light bring happiness n joy in ur life. Guide you in this difficult phase of life n gives u strength to fight odds.
— Human Being (@1_humanbeing_) July 22, 2020
You have given him reasons to smile and certainly he is smiling wherever he is.
Prayers r with u. Stay Strong, Positive n smiling 🤗☺️💐#Candles4SSR
U r defining what true love and friendship is! I know it's not easy for u! But u r paying ur tribute to Sush in ur little way! Thank u Ankita for being with us. Stay strong!
— Sush_Preet (@sush_preet) July 22, 2020
Thank u so much @anky1912 Ankita Mam supporting us in this battle.I have tears in my eyes,when i saw your tweet. you always keep SSR in your shows true love and shows u love him ad respect him a lot.We love u and SSR #Candle4SSR
— Justice4SushantSir (@Gurveer52262788) July 22, 2020
You are very very very strong, your honesty gives you strength and be sure that Dear Sushant wherever he is, he is still proud of you and always wants you to see the most successful woman in the world personally and know that we all love you both forever❤️
— Shatabdi Pal (@ShatabdiPal00) July 22, 2020
I was wondering whether you will join us and part of me knew you would light a candle for SSR...Wouldn’t say I’m surprised the least bit...You’re awesome Ankita... #Candle4SSR
— Salina Singh Rajput ✨🦋💥🌪✨ (@SalinaSinghRaj1) July 22, 2020