Celina Jaitly Delivers Twins Again, But One Passes Away
In a heartfelt post on Facebook Celina Jaitly revealed that one of the twin boys born last month succumbed to a serious heart condition

Celina Jaitly,
who is a mother of twin boys Winston & Viraaj, recently delivered her
second set of twins -- Arthur Jaitly Haag and Shamsher Jaitly Haag -- with
husband Peter Haag, but the announcement was “bittersweet”. Through an
emotional note on Facebook, the actress revealed that one of the boys succumbed
to a serious heart condition.
Celina Jaitly And Husabnad Peter Haag Take A Cute Selfie
The post read,
When it rains
look for rainbows, when it's dark look for stars... My dearest friends, beloved
fans and followers. On the auspicious occasion of Dusshera we would like to
take this opportunity to share with you all the following bittersweet news.
The Gods above
have blessed us yet again with another set of very handsome twin boys 'Arthur
Jaitly Haag’ and 'Shamsher Jaitly Haag’ in Dubai on 10th September 2017.
However, life is not always how we plan it to be. Our son 'Shamsher Jaitly
Haag’ succumbed to a serious heart condition and could not continue his journey
in this world.”
The post further
read, “Heartbreaking as that is we are very fortunate that a part of him still
lives with us through Arthur, whose face will always remind us that an angel
who looks exactly like him looks upon us from the arms of his grandfather, my
father, in the heavens above, whom we also lost two months ago.
The last two
months have been a tumultuous journey for us from losing my beloved father and
now baby Shamsher, however there is always a light at the end of a tunnel, and
that light for us is our handsome son 'Arthur Jaitly Haag' who seeks your
blessings and love in his journey that he commences in this world. We thank you
all in advance for your love and continued support.
Sending love,
immense gratitude and very Happy Dussehra wishes your way.
Celina &
Peter (sic).”
Celina Jaitly's Post
This indeed is
Image Source: revengenews & facebook/celinajatilyfanpage