A School Girl's Skirt Being Lifted In Commando 3 Is Shameful: Vidyut Jammwal Had No Objection? Censor Board Sleeping?- EXCLUSIVE

Last evening, I watched Vidyut Jammwal's Commando 3, and besides the other things which were disturbing in the language of good cinema, there was an obscene scene involving a school girl and we highly condemn it

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A School Girl's Skirt Being Lifted In Commando 3 Is Shameful: Vidyut Jammwal Had No Objection? Censor Board Sleeping?- EXCLUSIVE
When I watched Vidyut Jammwal's Commando 3, last evening, the chain of disappointment kept getting longer with every scene (Read: our review for the film). While as a reviewer, I see a lot of great, good, bad, extremely bad films and give out opinions, but this piece is purely based on my view as a moviegoer- a scene in Commando 3 which left an extremely bad taste in my mouth. 

A school girl's skirt is lifted by a man in a langot, her friends watch the horror, several spineless men at a hand-shaking distance put their heads down and the girl's thighs are exposed. In enters our hero Mr Vidyut Jammwal, kicks hard and sends the offender flying--- and who knows, Jammwal might be expecting that seetis will flood the auditorium because of his rescue act. Seetis or no seetis, the scene in question is downright shameful. And imagine, the makers uploaded it last night online publicising it as Vidyut's introductory scene! Where did the real-life 'herogiri' disappear in this? 


You wonder how the director Aditya Datt can depict a school girl in such state. Could he not have avoided that scene? Entry scenes of heroes in action films are often written with an episode not related to the story alright. But at least, Vidyut could have butted in to tell Datt to have something different. As a hero, he too has an equal responsibility doesn't he?

What was the Censor Board doing? Sleeping? How could such a disturbing scene, and mind you one that has no connection to the story, escape the scissors? Assuming it was trimmed, but trimming it was not the solution. 

The scene in question should be scrapped. The YouTube clip should be withdrawn. Pronto. It's never too late.

Image Source:- youtube/ relianceentertainment
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