Vinta Nanda EXCLUSIVE On Alok Nath's Bail: Unrequited Love? He Was Never And Can Never Be My Type
The Alok Nath-Vinta Nanda #MeToo case has been gathering steam and with the latest developments of Alok Nath getting a bail, here's what Vinta Nanda has to say

Alok Nath received an anticipatory bail from the Mumbai Sessions court as he got the benefit of doubt. Last evening, Vinta expressed her opinions and today, in an explosive conversation, she bears her heart out on the court's decision of granting him a bail, and how has it affected her on an individual level.
Were you expecting the court decision to be this?
We were expecting that he (Alok Nath) would be granted anticipatory bail because I am given to believe that at this point of time investigation is what he is required for and that his warrant is bailable. Moreover, while making the intervention on my behalf, my lawyer Dhruti Kapadia had clearly stated that we're not after having Mr Nath arrested and nor are we opposing the application, which he has made asking for anticipatory bail. We were clear that we wanted that our intervention, which we were making be accepted by the court in form of a written submission. We were given the opportunity to respond to all the lies and character assassination that team Mr Nath had resorted to in their application. These proceedings for which the order has been passed by the learned judge were between the State and Mr Nath. The State has been wanting Mr Nath to appear for investigation and Mr Nath has been absconding ever since the third/fourth week of November 2018.
Are you disappointed?
I'm not disappointed because I respect the law and I have faith in the legal process. The accused is not guilty until proven to be and that is how justice works across all democracies of the world. We need to respect that. In our case, it is a little more complicated because I have spoken up during the #MeToo movement, which gave me confidence and enabled me to voice myself after about 20 years. To my knowledge or for that matter anybody else’s, there is no precedence to this.
Despite several other women who have spoken out about what he had done to them as well, Mr Nath has taken advantage of the situation and has put his wife upfront to file a defamation suit against me. Thereafter, I was advised that I should file a complaint with the police.
The police saw that there was veracity in what I was saying after having done due investigation and they filed the FIR against Mr Nath to investigate with him further. Then Mr Nath didn't appear for investigation and remained absconding until he applied for and has now got anticipatory bail. Now let's see what happens next. I am not in a position to say anything right now because I don't know what my lawyers will advice me to do. I'll be conferring with them in the next couple of days. All that I know is that the truth is by my side and everyone who matters to me as well as all in the industry know Mr Nath well. His reputation precedes the #MeToo movement, also what has followed thereafter.
Were you expecting the court decision to be this?
We were expecting that he (Alok Nath) would be granted anticipatory bail because I am given to believe that at this point of time investigation is what he is required for and that his warrant is bailable. Moreover, while making the intervention on my behalf, my lawyer Dhruti Kapadia had clearly stated that we're not after having Mr Nath arrested and nor are we opposing the application, which he has made asking for anticipatory bail. We were clear that we wanted that our intervention, which we were making be accepted by the court in form of a written submission. We were given the opportunity to respond to all the lies and character assassination that team Mr Nath had resorted to in their application. These proceedings for which the order has been passed by the learned judge were between the State and Mr Nath. The State has been wanting Mr Nath to appear for investigation and Mr Nath has been absconding ever since the third/fourth week of November 2018.
Are you disappointed?
I'm not disappointed because I respect the law and I have faith in the legal process. The accused is not guilty until proven to be and that is how justice works across all democracies of the world. We need to respect that. In our case, it is a little more complicated because I have spoken up during the #MeToo movement, which gave me confidence and enabled me to voice myself after about 20 years. To my knowledge or for that matter anybody else’s, there is no precedence to this.
Despite several other women who have spoken out about what he had done to them as well, Mr Nath has taken advantage of the situation and has put his wife upfront to file a defamation suit against me. Thereafter, I was advised that I should file a complaint with the police.
The police saw that there was veracity in what I was saying after having done due investigation and they filed the FIR against Mr Nath to investigate with him further. Then Mr Nath didn't appear for investigation and remained absconding until he applied for and has now got anticipatory bail. Now let's see what happens next. I am not in a position to say anything right now because I don't know what my lawyers will advice me to do. I'll be conferring with them in the next couple of days. All that I know is that the truth is by my side and everyone who matters to me as well as all in the industry know Mr Nath well. His reputation precedes the #MeToo movement, also what has followed thereafter.

Alok Nath In Hum Aapke Hain Koun
The court states that it could be the result of your unrequited love for him
I want to laugh on this one "Lol!" Would it be sexist to say that Alok Nath was never and can never be my type? In his application asking for anticipatory bail from the learned judge, Mr Nath has alleged that it is the result of unrequited love for him. All I can say to him is, "Dream on!" Besides that, his wife was my best friend for a long time. I don't come from the place where I would cheat a person whom I call my friend, even in my thoughts.
Clearly the decision is in his favour hinting that he has been framed...
He has been granted anticipatory bail and conditions apply. One of the reasons given in the order to justify the decision to grant Mr Nath anticipatory bail is that it 'could be' he has been framed. It is ‘he’ in his application who has stated that he is being framed. What else should we expect him to say? Like all other predators who have been called out during the #MeToo movement, even Mr Nath has denied that he has done anything wrong. The proceedings were between the State and Mr Nath.

Alok Nath & Vinta Nanda
Will you go to the High Court or the Supreme Court?
Let's see. We will do what is necessary.
The court even states that you could not remember the incident date…
That's right.

Navneet Nishan
What if you meet him in public, event or a party?
I haven't met him as such since in public or any event or party for too long now. Our roads don't meet.

Himani Shivpuri
Have you, Navneet Nishan, Himani Shivpuri, all spoken after the decision today?
Navneet, Himaniji, Sandhya Mridul and Deepika Deshpande Amin have all spoken their truth with the media. We haven't spoken about today's decision with each other but they have expressed themselves individually through social media and otherwise.
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