Aanvi Kamdar, a chartered accountant who shared her travel adventures on Instagram under the handle @theglocaljournal, tragically lost her life during an outing to the renowned Kumbhe waterfall in Maharashtra's Raigad district on July 16. Accompanied by a group of seven friends, Kamdar was filming a video when she slipped and fell into a 300-foot gorge, as reported by a Mangaon police station official. Her friends immediately alerted local authorities, prompting a swift response. The rescue effort involved multiple teams, including the Coast Guard, Kolad rescue team, and Maharashtra State Electricity Board staff, according to NDTV.
A rescuer recounted the challenges they faced: "As soon as we reached the spot, we realized that the girl had fallen nearly 300-350 feet. Even after reaching her, it was difficult to get her up, as she was injured and it was raining heavily. So we decided to get her out using a vertical pulley." The operation was further complicated by the continuous falling of large stones down the gorge, making the rescue effort perilous. After a grueling six-hour operation, Kamdar was finally pulled out of the gorge. Despite the rescuers' best efforts, she sustained severe injuries and succumbed to them at the hospital. She was rushed to the nearby Mangaon taluka government hospital, where she died during treatment, confirmed the Mangaon police station official.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers associated with monsoon tourism. Authorities have urged tourists to exercise extreme caution when visiting waterfalls during the rainy season. The tragic accident highlights the risks that come with adventurous outings in treacherous conditions and underscores the importance of safety measures. Kamdar’s untimely demise has left a void in the hearts of her followers and the travel community, who admired her for her vibrant spirit and passion for exploring new places. Her story is a poignant reminder of the need for vigilance and respect for nature’s unpredictable elements.
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