Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and her cricketer husband Virat Kohli’s adorable exchanges during the India vs New Zealand World Cup semi-final match have stolen everyone’s hearts. The videos and photos of their moments are leaving the netizens gushing. Amidst it all, a video of legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar congratulating the actress for her husband’s success is now doing rounds on social media.
Social media star Gaurav Taneja took to his official Instagram handle to share a beautiful behind-the-scenes moment between Sachin and Anushka after Virat’s 50th ODI century record. For those who don’t know, he broke the former cricketer’s record during the semi-final match. In the video, the cricketer was seen bowing to Tendulkar, while the actress blew kisses to her hubby. The two celebrities were then seen exchanging in a conversation where Anushka thanked the older cricketer for his congratulatory message. ALSO READ: Anushka Sharma Calls Hubby Virat Kohli 'God's Child' As She Pens A Heartwarming Note For Him On His 50th ODI Century-READ BELOW
Netizens were quick to take to the comment section of the social media post to hail all of them and shower them with love and adoration. One wrote, “Virat bowed down to Anushka and gave flying kiss and wink to Sachin. Emotional moment.” Another wrote, “Oh hooooo crazyyyyyy seat mili hai, bass ab jeet ke aao.” Other one wrote, “Sachin ne bola ki aaj tere pati ne mera record toda kal mera damad tere pati ka record todega.” One commented, “Everyone is appreciating Shami, Kohli, Iyer and other teammates and should do so. But don't forget Rohit. He is not playing for himself. And playing fearless cricket. We saw this throughout the World Cup. Salute to you Hitman.” Another wrote, “Congratulations King Virat Kohli.” ALSO READ: Anushka Sharma FAILS At Hiding Her Baby Bump At Team India’s Diwali Bash? Leaves Virushka Fans Excited–WATCH
On the work front, last seen in Zero, co-starring Katrina Kaif and Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma has Chakda Xpress in her pipeline. She will be seen essaying the role of Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami in the upcoming sports film. Set to stream on Netflix, the movie is directed by Prosit Roy.
Image Source: Instagram