Bigg Boss mastermind Vikas Gupta has been sharing interesting posts on social media trying to stay in touch with fans during the lockdown. Apart from hosting live chat sessions with fans every now and then, Vikas has made sure he constantly shares posts and entertaining TikTok videos on his social media account. Now, while on a quarantine break, Bigg Boss mastermind Vikas Gupta took to his social media to request fans to not react in any way on his recent social media post due to a surprising reason. Know why?
On Instagram, Vikas Gupta shared a post captioning it, “Don’t like or comment - Cleaning my Instagram during lockdown . Don’t like or comment on this post #vikasgupta #lockdown #lostsouls #Quarantine.” Sharing a picture of what he wants to talk to fans about, Vikas asked fans to not like or comment on the post. In the caption of the post, the Bigg Boss mastermind mentioned that he is cleaning his Instagram during the lockdown and hence wants fans to not like or comment on it.
The picture that Vikas Gupta shared, reads, “Don’t comment on this post,” in bold letters. The post further read, “ At 5 am This post is being put so it can be sent to Instagram on how even at this time I have bots and people with fake accounts attacking my posts with shit language and comments from accounts which are illegal on Insta and than reporting the post so that my post reach stops immediately by the automated Insta algorithms.
Image source: Instagram/ Vikas Gupta