Actor Varun Dhawan was recently snapped with Alia Bhatt at an event in Mumbai. The actor answered questions from his personal and professional life and gave witty replies. At the event, one journalist jokingly asked the actor about his fatherhood plans and the actor gave a hilarious reply which left everyone in splits. Dhawan gave a funny reaction saying he will discuss it with his wife and that they should start planning from today.
One reporter congratulated Alia on becoming a mother and just then quizzed Varun about his plans to start a family. Interestingly, when Varun informed the journalist that he too became a father recently, the actor said in zest. “Ye (Alia) mummy ban gayi, tu papa ban hum sabko production chalu kar dena chahiye.” Alia who was laughing hearing this, interrupted and said, “Why will he (Varun) tell you his plans?” ALSO READ: 'Very Soon' Says Varun Dhawan Talking About His Marriage Plans With Fiancé Natasha Dalal
Varun further joked and said, “Main apni biwi se baat karta hun ki aapne aise bola hai ki aaj se planning shuru karo (I will discuss it with my wife and tell her that you have said this and we should start planning from today).”Alia and Varun who have worked together in several films were speaking on the sidelines of the Zee Cine Awards 2023. The duo also spoke about the success of Pathaan and said they are happy that the film has emerged out to be the biggest blockbuster of Indian cinema. They feel grateful for moments like this and pray that this keeps happening.
Meanwhile, Alia embraced motherhood in 2022 and welcomed her first child daughter Raha with her husband Ranbir Kapoor. Varun, on the other hand, got married to his childhood crush Natasha Dalal in 2021.