Ssharad Malhotra:

I like the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. The book has depth. It gives inside into life through the lives of penguins.
Shashank Vyas:

You Can Win and The Power Of Subconscious Mind, I started reading when I was struggling for work, it helped me a lot in self-development and reading also broadens our mind and helped me to look at things from a different perspective

I like the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. The book has depth. It gives inside into life through the lives of penguins.
Shashank Vyas:

You Can Win and The Power Of Subconscious Mind, I started reading when I was struggling for work, it helped me a lot in self-development and reading also broadens our mind and helped me to look at things from a different perspective
Tinaa Dattaa:
THE Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, not for the story in it but for the inspirational value towards life that's weaved around it.
Sahil Anand:
THE Alchemist, It’s all about chasing your dream, it helped me by strengthening my belief in dreaming. Whenever I get time I read, and I like to read all sorts of books
Mohammad Nazim:
I like the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The genre of this book is Adventure, Dystopian and Science Fiction. I am a very adventurous person. An adventurous person is the one who is excited to try something new and different from others and who love to take risks and explore a variety of things.
Asmita Sood:
The Monk who sold his Ferrari - Robin Sharma. The author writes how It's such a simple life and how we actually made it so complicated and everything we need in life is right there we just need to see with our open heart. After I read the book I started seeing things differently. As actors, we get a lot of time in between shots. So, I try reading them.
Jason Shah:
The Secret is a book that appealed to me, I follow that book today also and I have read all the three series of books and it has improved my way of talking, thinking and living. The confidence and positivity are all because of the books I have read. I make sure to carry a book with me, I read in my spare time.
Aniruddh Dave:
LIvingston Seagull by Richard Bach is my favourite book. The book has depth. Every time I read it I find new dimension of human personality
Rishina Kandhari:
You Can Heal Your Life by Louis Hay is an amazing book and I recommend it strongly
Arjun Bijlani-
The 5 AM club by Robin Sharma is interesting. I am enjoying reading it. Everyone must read it.