Surbhi Jyoti of Zee TV’s Qubool Hai fame has found love again. This good-looking Punjabi girl had broken up with her Punjabi actor-singer boyfriend Zorawar Singh a while back due to long distance issues. Now, she is in a relationship with her Qubool Hai co- star Varun Toorkey.
Although Varun’s involvement in the show was not long, Surbhi fell in love with him rather quickly.
After Varun's track ended in Qubool Hai due to his poor performance, Surbhi even tried to get him more work. SpotbpoyE has it that she even requested producer Gul Khan to accommodate him in her next show. Recently when she went abroad for a show, she also asked the organisers (Zee) if he could join . But in both the above cases, her requests were turned down on the grounds that he is not a well-known face.
Both Varun and Surbhi are doing their best to keep their relationship under wraps. The only time they were seen together was at a recent Qubool bash.
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