Now very long ago, Balika Vadhu actress Sheetal Khandal had opened a can of worms after she accused her former co-star and current Bigg Boss 13 contestant, Sidharth Shukla, of inappropriate behaviour while on the sets of their show. Sheetal’s accusations came after Rashami Desai, in the show, claimed that Shukla purposely tried to touch her. Well, Sheetal’s claims have been receiving a mixed response on the internet. While some are bashing Sidharth Shukla, there has also been a section of people that are accusing calling this a publicity stunt by Sheetal Khandal. (ALSO READ - Bigg Boss 13 Sidharth Shukla: Here's Why The Show's Hottest Contender Could Win This Season)
Now, in a conversation with Hindustan Times, the actress has outright denied all the accusations of doing this all for publicity. She said, “I don’t have any intention to seek publicity or get into the reality show that Siddharth is currently a part of. I have no interest in all this.” Further, Sheetal stated that she has no intentions of accusing him because it’s over; however, she feels that the media is making it appear like she is accusing him only now. She added, “I just shared my experience with a journalist friend. I don’t know if Sidharth is the same as then, or he has changed now”.
Sheetal Khandal also asserted how people have misjudged the term ‘inappropriate behaviour’ and are thinking that it’s equal to sexual harassment, which, according to her, is completely different. “It is a very big comment which I have not said at all,” said Sheetal.
Upon being asked about how the incident began, Sheetal added that Sidharth Shukla was very over-friendly with her. He would talk about relationships and used to tease her by passing vulgar comments in front of people. Further, she even confronted Shukla about his behaviour. She added, “Once during a shot, he touched my feet inappropriately. When I would be alone, he would come and say sorry. But I realised that people on the sets had started linking us up. I was already in a relationship with somebody else and there was nothing between me and Sidharth. I even complained to the producer about him because of which we had a big fight on the sets and then we decided to maintain a distance from each other.” (ALSO READ - Bigg Boss 13: Sidharth Shukla's Die-Hard Supporter Kamya Panjabi Takes A Nasty Dig At Rashami Desai)
image source: instagram/sheetalkhandal_gehna, sidharth__shukla