On Sunday afternoon, Colors’ Dil Se Dil Tak set was buzzing with activity. The show’s leading man Siddharth Shukla and Jasmin Bhasin were ready to shoot their scenes. Rashami Desai was not on call but the rest of the cast and crew was present.
Siddharth Shukla And Rashami Desai In Dil Se Dil Tak
That is when a group of about 25 people entered the sets and demanded that the shoot be shut down. The actors were asked to pack up and the shoot was terminated.
Turns out, the shoot was breaking the ‘rules’.CIINTA (Cine And TV Artistes Association) had a few months ago decreed that the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month will be a holiday for workers and no shoots could take place during these off days.
Siddharth Shukla And Jasmin Bhasin In Dil Se Dil Tak
TV shows usually shoot 365 days with just a few holidays in between and weekly day offs are unheard of.
So when the union members found out that Dil Se Dil Tak, was being shot on a Sunday, they barged into the sets and stopped the proceedings.
The members of the production unit tried their level best to convince them but eventually the union members had their way and the shoot had to be called off.
This is the latest debacle for Dil Se Dil Tak. The show was earlier in news thanks to the temper tantrums of Siddharth Shukla and then an on-the-sets injury.