Anupam Mittal, who rose to fame with his stint on ‘Shark Tank India’, underwent surgery due to his rigorous workout sessions. He posted a video of him lying on the hospital bed with his arm wrapped in a support band. Mittal wore an arm sling as he flashed the thumbs-up sign while posing for the cameras. The founder and CEO of was also seen flexing his muscles in the video.
Fans also wished Anupam a speedy recovery. One Insta user commented, “Sharks heal faster than humans. You will be up and running in no time.” Another said, “IronMan will come back stronger.”
This isn't the first time that Anupam faced a setback due to workouts. Earlier, too he underwent surgery but he bounced back with a bang. Meanwhile, Anupam has returned for the second season of Shark Tank India’ which premiered on 2 January 2023. Other judges of the show were Aman Gupta (co-founder-CMO of boAt), Namita Thapar (executive director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals), Vineeta Singh (co-founder-CEO of SUGAR Cosmetics), Peyush Bansal (founder-CEO of and Amit Jain (co-founder-CEO of CarDekho Group and