Fans can’t keep calm after a selfie of the most adorable on-screen couple Divyanka Tripathi and Karan Patel hits the internet. The actress who plays Ishita Bhalla onscreen, took to her Instagram handle to share a selfie after a long time, with Karan Patel. The selfie is nothing but a much-awaited reunion of the Ishita and Raman (played by Karan) after Karan had taken a break from the popular TV show, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein to participate in a reality TV show,
Khatron Ke Khiladi.
The comment section of Divyanka’s post had fans gushing over the two and were seen welcoming back the actor. Comments read, “ U too r back and yhm trp will also be back”, “And you never fail to make people go in a happy zone it seems love you and thank you for everything, “Feels like getting water in desert...afterages it's divan urf ishra... missing a lot nowadays” and many more.
In conversation with Bombay Times, the actor was quite surprised, why the audience assumed his absence from the show and speculated of him bidding goodbye on a forever note. Whereas, he had clarified of taking a break to fulfill his other work commitments by taking a break from daily soap.
Image Source: Instagram/divyankatripathidahiya