Return of the second season of the popular TV show Saath Nibhana Saathiya has already got the fans excited. GEC, Star Plus dropped a video of the second season starring Devoleena Bhattacharjee once again to be seen in the role of Gopi bahu on the small screen. Now as per reports in Mumbai Mirror Rupal Patel has been confirmed to be seen in the second season of the popular TV show. Rupal Patel plays the role of mother-in-law, Kokilaben, on the small screen.
Rupal confirming her return in the second season of the TV show, said, “There cannot be SNS 2 without its Koki.” Unlike the other TV soaps' mother-in-laws who are either evil or very much supportive, Rupal's character of Kokilaben strikes a right balance between right and wrong in their onscreen family. She says, “Of course, I’m a lot more flexible and fun. But even today, young girls tell me that they want a mother-in-law like Koki.”
The actress who is currently seen in Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke also mentioned doing one show at a time, however she is sure the channel and makers of both these respective shows will figure out a way for both the shows to run smoothly. Rupal adds, “I couldn’t sleep the night I was approached for SNS 2 as I prefer doing one show at a time. But the channel, Rajan sir and Rashmi ma’am have assured me that we will figure out a way to ensure that everything proceeds smoothly.”
Image Source: Instagram/rupalpatelofficial