Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill were two of the most loved contestants on Bigg Boss 13 and both of them had a huge fan following outside. Their fans fondly call them SidNaaz and they have fan pages dedicated to the pair. Sidharth Shukla won BB13, and took home the trophy, and prize money of 40 lakh rupees, while Shehnaaz was offered another show, along with Paras Chhabra-Mujhse Shaadi Karoge. On the wedding based reality show, Sana and Paras will be seen searching for a suitor for themselves.
Ever since the show has aired, SidNaaz fans have been demanding a separate show for Sidharth and Shehnaaz. Just recently, they also signed a petition wanting makers to discontinue the show and were trending #SidNaazshowInDemand. A few viewers also noticed that they were seeing another version of Shehnaaz on Mujhse Shaadi Karoge and that she had been maintaining her distance from the suitors on the show. On the show, she went on a double date and was seen taunting one of Paras Chhabra’s suitors Ankita Srivastava for holding his hand.
Clarifying about why she taunted her, Shehnaaz admitted to Ankita that her mind is someplace else, and then she also mouthed Sidharth’s name. She told her, “Haath mein bhi pakad sakti thi lekin jab mere mann mai (Sidharth) hai toh mai kisi aur ka haath nai pakad sakti.”
Well, Sidharth Shukla had also been a part of Mujhse Shaadi Karoge and was seen on the show in the beginning. Shehnaaz Gill was pleasantly surprised to see him, and showered him with kisses and hugged him tightly.
Image Source: VOOT, Instagram/colorstv