Actor Sanjay Gagnani, who is well known for playing the character of Prithvi, the negative lead in the show Kundali Bhagya, has tested negative in the third round of COVID 19 examination. The actor was placed under quarantine and put on an essential diet.
Getting locked up can take a toll on any mind. Sanjay was no exception, but he dealt with the situation with patience, "Getting locked up in a room for 20 days without a human/pets touch and contact was really stressful for me. I felt very stressed and lonely at times but I kept calm and assured myself that it was a temporary phase. This too shall pass. After darkness, there will be light. I tested positive thrice and that sprinkled salt on the burn. But thankfully, I have finally tested negative and can hug and live my life with my beautiful family and pets," he says.
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After going through a really long period of battle with COVID 19, the talented actor has a few suggestions for his fans, "From my experience, I would just request every one to take extra efforts in order to keep away from COVID and build strong immunity. Maintaining social distancing, Wearing a mask, using sanitiser, washing hands, maintaining hygiene, sipping warm water often, taking steam twice a day, gargling with warm water with salt, taking multivitamins as prescribed by your doctor, having kadha, fruits, veggies and foods that build immunity and act as a shield to bacterias and viruses," he says.
The multi-talented actor goes on to add, "The most important tip is, isolate yourself immediately without waiting for the testing result as soon as you develop a symptom and do not panic but stay calm and fight it back with patience if you test COVID positive."
Image Source: Instagram/sanjaygagnaniofficial