Television actor Simran Budharup recently took to Instagram to share her upsetting experience at Mumbai’s renowned Lalbaugcha Raja pandal, where she faced mistreatment by the event staff. In a video clip accompanied by a heartfelt note, Simran described how the visit to seek blessings with her mother turned into a distressing ordeal when the staff behaved aggressively toward them.
Simran shared that after their darshan, her mother was taking a picture of the Ganpati idol when a security personnel suddenly snatched the phone from her mother’s hand. This shocking act led to a further altercation when Simran intervened. In her note, she described how she tried to defend her mother, but the situation escalated when the bouncers manhandled her as well. She wrote, “A man from the organization snatched my mother’s phone while she was clicking the picture… when she tried to retrieve it, he pushed her. I intervened, and the bouncers rough-handled me. When I started recording their behavior, they tried snatching my phone too.” The situation only de-escalated when the staff realized that Simran is a well-known actor, prompting them to back off.
Simran emphasized how this unfortunate incident shed light on the need for better crowd management and more respectful behavior from the staff. She acknowledged the challenges of managing large crowds but insisted that such environments should remain peaceful, where devotees can offer their prayers without fear of being mistreated. Simran stated, “People visit such places with good intentions, seeking positivity and blessings. Instead, we were met with aggression and disrespect. It’s the staff’s responsibility to maintain order without misbehaving or harming devotees.”
In concluding her post, Simran expressed hope that her experience would bring attention to the issue and encourage the organizers to ensure that visitors are treated with respect and dignity. She wrote, “I’m sharing this to bring attention to the issue and hope it serves as a wake-up call for event organizers and staff to treat visitors with dignity and respect.” Simran’s post garnered significant attention from her fans and friends, many of whom expressed disappointment and outrage over the incident.
Through her public statement, Simran hopes to inspire positive change in how such sacred events are managed, ensuring a safer and more welcoming environment for all devotees in the future.
Image Source: Instagram