Indian Idol 12 has been grabbing the attention of the audience these days, not only from the common man but celebrities too. Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda expressed her disappointment with the eviction of contestant Sawai Bhatt. After his elimination he returned to his hometown Nagaur, he was surprised to receive a warm and grand welcome from his loved ones and residents of Nagaur as well as his fans. The budding singer who won several hearts on the TV reality show was honoured by garlands and flowers. He was also made to wear a traditional turban.
Seated in the car, he received an overwhelming gesture from people waiting in his hometown. As reported in he reached his hometown today at 7 am and was floored to see the immense love and warmth he received from the people. He thanked them for their love and support; on touching down Nagaur, he also paid a visit to Sant Shiromani Likhmidas Maharaj memorial of Amarpura, pics had him taking blessings from the priest. He was welcomed uniquely as people danced and sang songs.
Besides being showered with love by the people waiting for him, he was honoured by Nagaur’s MP Hanuman Beniwal. Villagers too praised him and thanked him. He was also quite emotional about meeting his friend after 8 months.
Image Source: Instagram/sawai.bhatt