Singing reality show, Indian Idol 12 has been thoroughly entertaining the audience with its contestants putting up some marvelous performances. Also one more thing that has added up to the show is the return of host Aditya Narayan after he recovered from COVID-19. Now as reported in Times of India, judges music director Anu Malik and lyricist Manoj Muntashir were floored by the performance of contestant Danish Mohd. He crooned to Aye Meri Zohrajabeen and Chahunga Main Tujhe Sanjh Savere and left everyone amazed.
He was given a standing ovation by the judges and contestants for it, followed by the judge Anu Malik encouraging everyone to enjoy an Iftaar evening on the stage. This Iftar marked Danish’s first Iftar evening where he broke his fast without his parents. He told the host of missing his parents, he said, “Ramazan is a special celebration for us every year and this time I am not able to do my Iftari with them so thus I miss my parents here today.”
Responding to this judge Manoj Muntashir said, “Danish we all are your family, and today on this occasion we have a surprise for you.” With Danish being surprised as show makers arranged for Iftaar meal for him and everyone on the sets.
Image Source: Instagram/manojmuntashir/mohd.danish.official/anumalikmusic