Actor Gauahar Khan and her husband Zaid Darbar are the cutest we feel. The two are often spotted sharing some mushy pictures of each other on their respective Instagram accounts that set fans' hearts aflutter. Speaking of which, Gauahar Khan and her husband Zaid Darbar get a little goofy and crazy in bed as they show their unusual love. ‘A love like this’ is not to be missed at any cost. Just recently, on Tuesday, Gauahar took to her Instagram reels to share an intimate moment straight from their bedroom. In the video, we see Khan lying on the bed, zoomed the camera to her face.
Later, she pans the camera to show her hubby who then flaunts his muscles. Khan is showing us the unusual love as he has kept his legs on Gauahar's face. Sharing the video, she captioned it with, “A Love like this.... hehehehe #Goofies #crazies #Gaza @zaid_darbar #reels #trending.” While fans are going gaga over their mushiness, Zaid can’t seem to get over his legs. LoL. He dropped a cheeky comment saying, “Those legs”. Well, those legs are indeed a treat to watch. Meanwhile, Gauahar and Zaid celebrated their first Eid after marriage where they dropped some lovely snaps with each other.
Her husband Zaid posted some mushy pictures with Gauahar and spoke about his first Eid with ‘superwoman’ as he wrote, “My first Eid with my super woman, my wife! Speaking of super woman she actually is one and took care of everything on her own. From waking up for Sehri and making all the delicious food to even making sure that all the security guards and staff in our building got food! She also prayed and finished reading 1 Quraan for this month May allah give you all the health and the love and happiness that you deserve I love you Gau, but I’m sure the world loves you too!”
Image source: Instagram/ gauaharkhan