The past few months have been very dreadful for Gauahar Khan. The actress tested positive for Coronavirus and later her father passed away. It was in the month of March that her father Zafar Ahmed Khan breathed his last. On his two-month death anniversary, the actress took to her social media account to share a picture and express grief. She stated that she is missing him with every breath she takes and called him the best father.
In an emotional note, Gauahar wrote, "That smile #2monthsToday . I Miss u with every breath I take Pappa . #MyHero #BestFatherEver #ZafarAhmedKhan." Last month, she had shared a few pictures of her father and called him the most stylish man. She wrote, "Most stylish man I ever came across . most Charming , a favourite of whoever had the fortune of meeting him , a talker strong enough to convince anyone for anything , a brave heart who lived life on his terms , self made , strong , the most loving father Ever . Alhamdulillah that I am your daughter #ZafarAhmedKhan . U are my all . I miss you terribly with every breath I take . may Allah bless you in heaven . Ameen #MyAngel."
Check out Gauahar Khan's posts here:
Recently, Gauahar's Bigg Boss 13 companion Hina Khan too lost her father. A few days ago, Hina Khan's father breathed her last after reportedly suffering a heart attack. Even she took to her Insta stories to share several pictures of her father and express how much she is missing him. We wish more strength to the ladies who have lost their loved ones.
Image source: Instagram/gauaharkhan
Image source: Instagram/gauaharkhan