Star Plus’ upcoming show, Chikoo ki Mummy Durr Kei has been grabbing eyeballs since the launch of their first promo. The show presents an adorable mother-daughter relationship where the duo has a common connection and that is dance. While the promos have kept the audience at the edge of their seats, the makers decided to drop another bombshell for their fans as they have roped in, none other than the iconic Disco Dancer, Mithun Chakraborty for the latest promo of ‘Chikoo ki Mummy Durr Kei.’
Yes, you read that right. With dance being an important element of the show, there's no one better than Mithun Chakraborty to grace the promo with his outstanding personality. Even the leads, Paridhi Sharma and Vaishnavi Prajapati were mesmerised by Mithun ji’s association with their show. The promo of Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei looks so enthralling with Mithun Ji’s stunning personality and alluring voice that fans are waiting with bated breath for the launch of the show. After watching the latest promo all one could say is, Kya Baat, Kya Baat, Kya Baat!!
Producer Gul Khan mentioned, "In today’s time viewers have multiple choices for content consumption. Considering this we as storytellers, try to match our storylines with the evolving minds of our viewers. This is exactly what we have tried to do with our upcoming show ‘Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei’. It is a beautiful show which depicts passion, emotion and a loving bond between a mother and daughter who are separated due to circumstances but find a common connect through dance."
She added, “The life story of Mithun Chakraborty who is a legend himself and has faced several hardships before rising to fame is similar to that of Chikoo. Hence we felt his appearance would build a real-life connection. It has been a wonderful association and the emotions Mithun Sir brings to the show are absolutely magical!”
Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei premieres on September 6, on Star Plus.
Image source: PR