Veteran actor Anupam Kher recently revealed that Mahima Chaudhry has been diagnosed with breast cancer. On Thursday, he shared a video of him with the Pardes actress asking her questions about the treatment and how she was feeling now. Mahima was seen sporting a shaved head as she shared her story of courage and detailed her cancer journey. The actress, since then, has been receiving love and sweet shout-outs from her industry friends. Recently, Breast cancer survivor and TV actress Chhavi Mittal penned an inspiring note for Mahima.
Chhavi sends love and best wishes to Chaudhry saying that her cancer scars will make her emerge even stronger. Taking to her Instagram handle, she shared a happy selfie of her with Mahima and wrote, “Never ended up posting any pics with you @mahimachaudhry1 Never thought I’d be posting this when we share more than just moments together. I just want to say…. You are braver than you give yourself credit for.” Chhavi added, “The scars that a cancer patient carries are not the ones the world sees on the body, but the ones the soul carries deep within. And your battle scars are what will make you emerge even stronger…Love and love and more love to you #Cancerwarrior.” ALSO READ: Mahima Chaudhry Is Battling BREAST CANCER: Pardes Actress Breaks Down In Tears As She Reveals She Lost Her Hair To The Illness-See VIDEO
Last month, Chhavi Mittal had undergone radiotherapy sessions and revealed that doctors told her to expect some side effects. In April, the actress informed her fans that she is 'cancer free' post a six-hour-long surgery.
Talking about Mahima, in the video shared by Anupam, she revealed how she discovered her cancer diagnosis. The actress stated she had just gone for an annual check-up when the person who did her regular tests advised her to get this checked. Later, she found out that there were very tiny cancer cells that needed to be removed.
“They said you have to get chemotherapy (done), and I started crying. And my sister was like ‘it’s treatable.’ She was like ‘why are you behaving like a 17th-century woman?’ But then you are just so terrified of the word cancer, which is why I didn’t share it with my parents at first because they are so vulnerable, especially my mom,” Mahima explained.