Karan Johar's Bigg Boss OTT has definitely started on high voltage drama. Divya Agarwal and Pratik Sehajpal got into ugly fights on the very first day. Both the actors, who had earlier worked together in the reality show 'Ace Of Space season 1', were at loggerheads ever since they had first met on the show. On the very first day, Divya and Pratik got into a heated argument over kitchen duties. Soon, it got so intensified that they both started hurling insults at each other.
It so happened that the first fight started in the kitchen when Divya needed some space to cook when she saw Pratik cooking for himself. Soon, it turned out to be an ugly fight with Pratik calling her ‘crack’ and telling her that his mother has taught him to be self-sufficient. Divya tells him to get a stove and utensils from his mother.
Later, during the time of dividing kitchen duties, Pratik and Divya yet again locked horns with the actress walking off saying, “You got popularity because of Varun Sood and me.” Sehajpal then called the actress fake.
For the unversed, Pratik, Divya and Varun Sood were part of Ace of Space. Divya won the trophy.
While speaking with ETimes, Varun Sood talked about his girlfriend Divya’s ugly spat with Pratik Sehajpal and said, “I know Pratik, we have done a show together. He used to poke me a lot at that time and I would get pissed, but it was all for the show. After I met him in the real world, he was normal and a decent person to talk to.”