In tonight’s Weekend Ka Vaar of Bigg Boss 15, host Salman Khan will be seen lashing out at contestant Tejasswi Prakash. The actor gets miffed with her for accusing the channel of being biased towards Shamita Shetty. Calling her ‘dishonest’, the actor tells Teja that she has been cursing and accusing the channel of no reason and it clearly shows how unfaithful she is. While giving a sneak-peek of the upcoming episode, the makers released a new promo showing Salman grilling the housemates.
In a promo, Salman is heard telling to Tejasswi, “Jis thaali mein khaya ja raha hai, us mein koi chhed karta hai?.” The ‘Sultan’ actor also asks her to stop playing a sympathy card on the show. This did not go down well with Tejasswi, who gets very angry and tells him that she doesn't want sympathy from anyone. 'An irate' Salman then asks her to shut up. He does not stop here as Salman further mentions that Tejasswi doesn't even respect her own boyfriend, Karan Kundrra on the show.
In another promo, Bigg Boss 7 winner Gauahar Khan is seen conducting a task with the housemates. She asks everyone to stand on the podium as per rankings. Tejasswi stands with Nishant Bhat and gets into a fight with him. Things get worse between them after the actress says he has no identity of his own. Teja also gets into an argument with Gauahar- who asks her to not put her words into her mouth. She says, “Aapke words mere muh mein mad daaliye, that's not my language.”
Sharing the promo clip, the makers wrote, “Gauahar lekar aayi gharwaalon ke liye ek task. Iss khel mein aayega mazaa ya bann jaayega yeh behes ka ek naya vishay? Dekhiye #BiggBoss15 tonight at 9pm only on #Colors.” Meanwhile, last week Umar Riaz got evicted from the show. ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 15: Gauahar Khan, Vishal Kotian, Ieshaan Sehgal Extend Support To Tejasswi Prakash After Karan Kundrra Tells Her ‘Shakal Dekh Apni’-READ Their Tweets
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