On Sunday, Bigg Boss 14 finale took place. Rahul Vaidya and Rubina Dilaik made it to the top two. However, it was the actress who lifted the trophy. The competition between the two was immense but Rubina managed to get more votes than Rahul. Nonetheless, Rahul isn't upset with his Bigg Boss 14 journey and is not being able to emerge as the winner. In fact, he is having a blast and 'pawri' with his friends and family.
Recently, a video of Rahul Vaidya joining the 'pawri' trend made it to the internet. Recently, a video of a girl talking about having a party with her friends in the mountains had gone viral. Joining the same trend, Rahul shared a video that had him saying, "Yeh mein hoon, yeh mera ghar hai and yahan Pawri horahi hai." As the camera zooms to people he is partying with, we see his girlfriend Disha Parmar jumping with joy. We also see Rahul Vaidya's parents and many more people.
Check out the video here:
Talking about his BB 14 journey, in an interview with TOI, Rahul had said, "I’m happy that my journey of Bigg Boss has ended. I would be happier if I was on the winning side, but there’s always only one winner. However, I always believe in winning with dignity and losing with grace. Honestly, I am very happy that now I can get back to my family and my girlfriend and spend quality time with them. I have done my bit and being in top two means a lot. I am so surprised that I am not sad at all." (Also Read: Bigg Boss 14 Runner-Up Rahul Vaidya CONFIRMS His Wedding With GF Disha Parmar; Says, ‘If Mom Has Said Then Definitely Marriage Will Happen In June’)
Image Source: Instagram/rahulvaidyarkv