Television actor and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla is undoubtedly the reigning king of TV. The actor, who enjoys a humongous fan following, on social media and even offline, often sends social media into a tizzy whenever he shares a video on his Instagram account. It was just yesterday, Sid took social media by storm when he shared a video showing off his pool time. After emerging as the Bigg Boss 13 winner, Sidharth got locked inside the house like everyone else, due to COVID-19, and again came back inside the controversial house for the 14th season.
Once again Sidharth Shukla entered the Bigg Boss 14 house along with Bigg Boss 11 runner-up Hina Khan and Bigg Boss 7 winner Gauahar Khan as Tofaani seniors. Recently, Sidharth Shukla took to his Insta account and shared a video promoting the upcoming show on OTT platform Disney+Hotstar. Captioning the video, Shukla wrote, “I have lived in a house with a bunch of strangers and trust me it was not an easy task. Well, imagine getting stuck with a ghost! Seems scary, right? Watch the horror and thrill in #LiveTelecast on @disneyplushotstarvip.”
In the clip, Sidharth Shukla is seen talking about locking up with strangers inside the Bigg Boss house. Shukla is heard saying, “When it comes to drama and entertainment, no beats the BB house. Lekin sochiye aisi situation mein bhoot aajaye toh?” Watch the complete video below:
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