Until now, Sidharth Shukla was adamant on playing inside the Bigg Boss 13 house, despite being down with typhoid. However, the situation seems to have escalated as the actor was made to shift to a hospital after his health started to degrade. Unfortunately, all of this happened on his birthday and, as a consequence of the same, all the concerned Shukla fans have been neck-deep into trending #GetWellSoonSidharth on Twitter. Now, ex-contestant Vindu Dara Singh has taken to his social media and shared his two cents on the same.
As per Vindu, #GetWellSoonSidharth is a ‘sad trend,’ especially on his birthday. Well, he also believes that Shukla is down with ‘buri nazar’. His tweet read, “#GetWellSoonSidharth. This is a sad trend, Nazar lag gayi!” Earlier in the say, Singh had wrote, “#GetWellSoonSid Jab pura ghar ek taraf tha aur aap ek taraf tab bhi aap koh kuch nahin hua toh yeh Typhoid kya cheez hai! Btw it says on some medical sites that one of the causes of Typhoid is contaminated food & water!!!” Well, Vindu has always been vocal of his support towards Shukla and co, and he is staunch criticiser of Asim Riaz.
Check out his tweets below:
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Here’s wishing Shukla a very speedy recovery!
image source: instagam/vindusingh