This morning, media reports suggested that TV actor Sidharth Shukla is sent back home as he has been detected with typhoid. However, has it that the actor is very much in the game. A source close to the show revealed to us that from the past one week, Sidharth was getting fever on alternate days post which the makers also summoned the doctor for consultation. His blood test confirmed that he is suffering from typhoid. The makers asked Sidharth if he wants to continue or leave the show, the actor chose the former stating that he would like to be treated in the house.
Well, that’s his fighting spirit!
An hour back, we brought to you how Paras Chhabra left the house day before yesterday due a minor surgery and will re-enter tonight. Also, Devoleena Bhattacharjee is on bed rest due to severe back pain and will also return post recovery. Her doctor stated that she would take at least 10 days to recover. Meanwhile, mastermind Vikas Gupta has entered the house for her proxy.
Coming back to Sidharth, his fans and followers can very well heave a sigh of relief.
Image Source:- instagram/colorstv/realsidharthshukla