In the past, many celebs' social media accounts have been compromised and the recent one's account to get affected is the former contestant of Bigg Boss 11, Vikas Gupta. The mastermind recently took to his Twitter handle and informed his fans and followers that his Twitter account is getting attacked whereas his Instagram has bigger issues because it has been disabled. Before informing about the plight of his social media accounts, he earlier shared a tweet, asking help from Twitter after his account was showing 'temporarily restricted.' He also asked that if supporting the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput makes him a BoT.
Informing about his social media accounts, he also mentioned the link to his new Instagram account, "My Twitter has been getting attacked and My Instagram has even bigger issues- My Instagram account Lostboyjourney has been disabled. Please follow me on my new I’d… wish me luck on this one. Need lots of love and luck #VikasGupta #Lostsouls"
Sharing the screenshots of his account, he wrote, "Dear @Twitter My followers have been told that my account is temporarily restricted - to login I had to prove that my account is not Fake. It has 359 k and more followers. Would you help in understanding why? Does Asking for truth for #SushantSingRajput makes me a BoT? #VG"
Many fans of Vikas supported him by asking him to stay strong and that they are with him. Some are even posting 'done' after following his new INSTA account. However, there are some writing comments related to SSR as one wrote, "This is happening as you are roaring louder for justice for SSR and they are trying to suppress your voice. Stay strong" while another one mentioned, "Now u can imagine how big powers are there suppressing each nd every voice raising for SSR If it was a simple case of suicide it would not have happened"
ALSO READ: Sushant Singh Rajput Death: Sister Shweta Singh Kirti And Vikas Gupta React To AIIMS Report Terming SSR’s Death A ‘Suicide’Image source: Twitter/lostboy54